God Hears Our Prayers

August 24, 2017

Clay had another seizure this morning, and he seems to be declining rapidly. Before I tell you about it, let me back up a few days.

This past Saturday night, what felt like 1,000 of my dearest friends got together to surprise me for my 40th birthday. My mom, my sister and our friends, Robin and Caleb, worked so hard to keep my from finding out, but as it seems to always happen with us, the Lord knew what was best. I was supposed to think it was a prayer meeting at our church for Clay, but I really knew that it was a party for me.

I hadn’t told anyone that I knew. And, this might not be something I should admit to, but I can lie pretty good. I LOVE surprises and I’ve pulled off some epic surprises for other people. So, when I realized what they were planning, my heart was sad for them. I knew how disappointed they would be to find out.

But, at 5:40 pm, Clay was laying on the floor of our shower throwing up. He was so nauseated he couldn’t even stand up. I had already gotten dressed and was ready to leave when this happened, but I had to get in the shower with him to help him. I was literally looking at him with absolutely no idea what to do. Do I tell them? Do I try to convince him to go?

Sam and Grace came upstairs, expecting to find us ready to leave, and Clay was on the bed trying to go to sleep. I felt so sorry for them. You should have seen their faces. So, I decided to tell them that I knew. We told Clay that we were actually trying to get dressed for my party and he said, “Oh no. It’s your birthday?! I didn’t get you anything!” Hahaha.

Y’all, he sat right up and said, “There’s no way I’m not going. Let’s go.” And, he finished getting dressed. And, I’m really glad. As bad as I knew he felt, I didn’t want to go to my party without him. We arrived 30 minutes late, but we made it.

The good news is that I was actually really surprised when they opened the door to our church sanctuary. This is what I saw…


It felt like a sea of people. I haven’t counted, but it was A LOT! I felt so loved. In the midst of everything we’re going through, so many of my friends and family stopped what they were doing and came just to tell me they love me. I needed it.  Thank you so much to everyone who was there! I’ll never forget that moment. And, you see that red, white and blue shirt sleeve in the far left corner….that’s Clay. He made it there with me. He didn’t really know what was going on, but he was there.

While they waited for us to arrive, they really did have a prayer meeting for us. Look at all these people, praying together for Clay. Praying for our kids. Praying for me. We are so abundantly blessed. I thank God for all of you everyday.

We partied and had cake. Lots of beautiful cake. It was the perfect party. Not too long, because Clay really got tired. But, long enough for me to be showered with love and gifts, and for my mom to show off a bunch of pictures of me growing up!

My high school girl friends came home with me and we visited a little longer while Clay went to bed. He needed help up the stairs that night for the first time.  We noticed a significant difference in his ability to walk. His legs were getting weaker.

Sunday, I went to church while Clay’s friend Caleb came and sat with him. I was texting Caleb all through church to make sure he was ok. He never woke up. Some of my high school friends came to church with me – Meredith, Chenelle, Christy and Jensie (Chenelle’s daughter.) Meredith Heath was my very best friend in high school. She lived with me and my family for a year. We are like sisters. She flew in from North Carolina for the party and stayed a few days. Her primary goal was to make Clay happy, so whatever he wanted for two days, she got it. I love the selfie of us with him.

He stayed upstairs all day Sunday, and although he got up for a while Sunday evening to eat, he really wasn’t out of the bed much. My cousins, Adam and Ashley, came to see him, but he couldn’t wake up. So, we visited and took pics. You know I’m good at that. Then, Todd and Drew came by to show him their baseball rings they received for winning State for Central High Baseball. Clay played in high school, so he was so excited to see this happen for them.

Sam had a friend birthday party. His birthday is actually before mine, but I got to celebrate first. He is turning 18. Meredith helped me get the house ready and get food for a bunch of teenagers. Clay visited with them for just a minute, but mostly stayed upstairs.


Clay was able to get up Monday for a meeting and then a few visits. He didn’t go downstairs all day, but he was awake for some visits. Cleve, Conner and Ms. Sharon brought a homemade apple pie. The Pyle’s brought the Krispie Kreme eclipse donuts! Oh my goodness! If you didn’t get one, you missed out. And a package arrived from Aunt Sue. She made us a pillow out of the t-shirt from Clay’s golf tournament. He loved it!

He got a little confused when it was time to go to bed Monday night. But, he slept good. He woke up Tuesday morning nauseated and vomiting. That entire day, he was either sleeping or throwing up. It was very difficult for me to watch. He hates to be sick and he just couldn’t get any relief. We had family over for Sam’s birthday, and he tried several times to be able to visit with them, but he couldn’t stop throwing up. So, our family and friends made Sam feel special while I stayed upstairs to help Clay.

Scooter and Beverly Trice, stopped by to give me a birthday gift. Oh my goodness. Look how special! They spent the week in Waco, TX, and bought me this sign at Magnolia. It is the perfect saying for how I feel right now. Clay and I have both been showered with love, and, y’all, I’m telling you, it is keeping us going. Your love and prayers have meant so much to us. And, look, Jimmy Don even signed it!!!!

After the party, everyone went home and I settled in for what I thought would be a peaceful night of sleep. After vomiting all day, Clay was exhausted. At 2 am, I woke to hear him convulsing on the floor beside our bed. He was having a seizure, and he had fallen out of the bed onto the floor. I rushed to turn on the light and saw blood right away. This time was different from the first. I felt prepared.

I remained calm, and turned him on his left side. I just nestled my legs behind his back so he couldn’t roll over. I held his head so he didn’t get hurt. And, I just prayed. When he started to calm down, I called Dr. Gummadi to talk me through it. He answered right away and helped me stay calm. I called Hospice and they sent the nurse. After the convulsions stopped, I called for Sam and Grace to come up and help me. They were wonderful.

The nurse called the Fire Department to put Clay back in bed. She gave him some medication and stayed with me until everything had calmed down. The medicine makes him cranky and agitated, but it also makes him sleep for a long time. We lined his back with pillows and eventually got back to sleep.

He slept most of the day today. The medicine puts him in a deep sleep, so he is barely conscious. Tonight at around 10 pm, I asked Sam to help me give Clay his medicine. We talked to him to wake him up, but it was very difficult. He needed to go to the bathroom, so he got up, but he was very agitated. It was hard to help him. Then he basically refused to take his medicine.

He seemed confused, frustrated, and almost angry. It was not him. I know it’s the medicine, but it can still be really hard to help him when he is like this. Sam was starting to get really upset because we needed him to take the medicine. It is the seizure preventative. I begged him, I cried, I fussed, I demanded, Sam begged, Sam bargained, Sam fussed. Nothing worked.

We were both at our wits end when Sam picked up the phone to call Hospice. I told him to wait. I told him to turn on my Sonos speaker and play Selah radio. The first song that came on brought such a peace to the room. I laid behind Clay and put his head in my hands and told him I was going to pray for him. Sam laid hands on Clay, too, and we prayed.

‘God, we know you see us right now. We know you know exactly what we need. Clay needs your Holy Spirit to rise up within him. You are greater than his mind. You are greater than this medicine. You are greater than his thoughts. You are the peace he needs. Please give it to him right now. Please help him do what we need him to do. I watched you display the fruits of the Spirit through him after his surgery, when the doctors told me he would be mean. You made him sweet. I need you to do that tonight. I need you to give him a sound mind and a willing heart. Please God. Please help us.”

When I stopped praying, I rubbed his back softly and said, “Clay, you know we love you, right? You know we are trying to do what is best for you, right? I need you to take these pills.”

He opened his eyes and said, “Ok. Where are they?” He took them. His entire demeanor changed. Sam’s eyes got really big and he looked at me like he wanted to say, “Did that just happen??!!” It did happen. The Lord heard our prayer and answered it.

After that, Clay sat up and drank some water, and said he wanted donuts! Katy and Damian, thank you so much for bringing donuts. We had some glazed left. Sam popped them in the microwave and Clay ate them. He sat up and talked to us. We laughed and joked around. Grace came in and he laughed with her. It was like he was himself again, immediately. He signed some papers for me and I helped him get situated safely in the bed. Then, he quietly dosed off to sleep.

Y’all, God is real. He is powerful. He hears the cries of our hearts. He sees our needs. When life is frustrating and you want to scream….turn to Him. He will answer you. He lives in Clay, so even if Clay’s mind is not right, his spirit is. The Holy Spirit is greater than our flesh.

The reality of our situation is that Clay is progressing quickly. The doctors believe that the nausea and seizure is from pressure building up in his brain. It may be hard to control. So, the meds will keep him sedated unless God touches him. Please help us pray. My last blog talked about how healthy he’s been in the midst of the sickness, and while I knew these problems were likely in our future, I was hoping we had more time. Please help us pray that God will touch him and control these symptoms. I am asking God to give him strength and a sound mind. We are praying against nausea and headaches.

These days have been hard, and there are more hard days ahead, but God has remained perfectly faithful. I just keep reminding myself about God’s love for me. He loves me. His love is unfailing. It never ceases. He has my life in His hands. He has my children in His hands. He knows what is best. I continue to trust Him, and I continue to be thankful for the way He answers our prayers. We love you. Goodnight.

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  1. Lisa Oivanki says:

    Kristy, I woke up about 20 minutes ago and something told me to check your Facebook page. It is 1 in the morning and I just finished reading it. Am praying even now. I will continue to pray until I get too sleepy to stay awake.

    There are no words to say, just that my thoughts and prayers are with you and especially with the children. We have been praying for Clay and your family at school in my classes, but will intensify that even more.

    I have been down this road with 4 different family members and my best friend from college. It is gut wrenching and terribly difficult. However, your prayer that was answered tells us that God has his hand on your family’s shoulder. I wish I could be there and add my hand to His.

    Take care.

  2. Eric parvin says:

    Been reading and praying . Clay and “the dawg pound” were so good to me at a time in my life when I was lonely.. he will never know how he made others feel so welcome. We are praying for you guys and have been for a long while. Love you guys.

  3. Denise kelly says:

    Praying and interceding for your family! God is still on the throne!!

  4. Edith Robillard says:

    I know I have left several comments, every time I read your messages, it brings back so many memories. My husband had liver cancer and I lost him 6 years ago. I remember his last days, he went into a coma, our pastor , Dennis Terrell, came to visit and told me I thing it’s time to ask God to bring him home. I said when you pray please ask God not to take him until after 12:30, my daughter in law lands then. When he prayed he ask God not to take him until Michelle got here. She got to my house at 12:45, my Gene died at 1:04. I know the helpless feeling you have, we are the person that makes everything okay, and we could not fix this. I will continue to pray for all of you and may our loving God keep blessing all of your family.

  5. ctinch says:

    God pless you and your family.PPraying for your family,and to give you the strength you need.

  6. Kimberly Daigle says:

    He is so good ALL the time! Even in the midst of such tragedies in our lives, He is ever present, ever faithful, ever loving. I’m so thankful to hear of the peace and comfort He is continually giving to you all. We have been, and continue to pray for you all. We love you all from Tennessee. So happy you all have been celebrated and fully loved in this time.

  7. Janice Broussard says:

    God’s Blessings to your family. You are so strong, that it makes me cry when I ready your blog. Prayers to you all.

  8. Praying for your beautiful family.

  9. Mary lynne Henson says:

    Wow what a testimony of you filth and God’s love. You are some special people and I am so proud to know you. I pray that God will continue to wrap His loving arms around you all and lead you through this time. I know He is but that is still my prayer for y’all. Also complete healing in Jesus name. That has been my prayer all along this journey you have been going through. Doy and I love you guys and are continuing to pray. We will pray for God’s hand of peace and continued love over your whole household… ❤️

  10. Tom Windsor says:

    Kristy, you don’t know me. I went to college with Caleb and Robin Scherer. God touched me as I read this this morning with a compassion for yours and Clay’s situation. It is hard watching people you love decline. But God is with you.
    Please know you have at least one new friend praying for you, Clay and the rest of family. Continue to trust in the God who knows the end from the beginning.

  11. Aleta and Gary Woods says:

    Stephanie Shaffer Norton was one of my students way back and she shared your blog. My heart breaks for your pain, but it rejoices in seeing what God has done for your family. Thank you for sharing in the middle of your storm. You and your family are now in our prayers.

  12. Sharon Browning says:

    There really are no words…….just a sadness that y’all are in this place. But also a beautiful blessing, that you are in this place, WITH God. His presence remains so evident in your lives, to all……and you have been such a blessing to those who love you and also to many who have never met you. We’ll never know (on this side) the extent of God’s love to you and through you….and how you have been used to literally share God’s love and peace, to those who may not know His peace. I cannot express how grateful and blessed I was to be able to visit you and Clay last week. God knew that I needed your hugs more than you needed mine….so now my eyes are getting blurry, again. Someone shared with me once, that tears were liquid love. Just know that I love all of you, much…. and you will continue to be in my prayers. Mrs. Sharon

  13. Dale says:

    I don’t know you guys, but your aunt Gene is a wonderful blessing in our church-so through Her we know you!
    Please know that Ann and I are praying for you and your entire family!
    May the God of all comfort touch you and Clay with His continual presence.
    May you feel it, and know that He is with you!

  14. Camille Morgan says:

    You are loved! The Holy Spirit WILL supernaturally comfort you all!! You are a testimony to God’s powerful grace!

  15. Cindy Rome Estep says:

    My prayers continue as my heart breaks for you and Clay the worst is getting closer as you and I both know. Please always have someone with you
    You may consider a hospital bed with railings on both sides so Clay won’t fall out of bed and hurt himself. You can sleep in the bed with him I know I did with my husband….
    God definitely answered your prayers he is always listening. I love your blogs and your faith is so strong… God Bless You Both 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  16. Jay Coleman says:

    I’m praying for Clay and your family. The presence of God is such a soothing and peaceful place for us to live in. As overwhelming as difficult days may be His presence enables us to endure. Thank you for sharing your heart in this blog. Your words today have truly ministered to me and so many others!

  17. This entire blog has been almost an exact replication of my daddy’s diagnosis and fight he endured from June 2015-July 2016. His tumor was located on his right frontal lobe and it was mostly removed in June 2015, 3 days after he was diagnosed with Stage 4 glioblastoma. I was 32 at the time and had to watch this strong man I’ve known my entire life wilt away at the hands of this disease. I prayed for so long for God to heal him. Prayed for a miracle. When I realized it wasn’t in his plans, my prayers changed. Give him peace. Give him rest. Please let me be with him when he goes. It turned out to be the most important request I had. Just let me be with him. And I was. Just me and him. I will hold on to that moment forever. I was the lucky one that was able to hold his hand when he met Jesus. A feeling of peace fell over me. He has been gone a little over 13 months and I miss him with every breath I take each day. My daddy never once asked ‘why him?’ or became mad at God. He kept his faith. He even went to church one Saturday evening thinking it was Sunday. He waited and waited and waited, then decided to go home thinking service was cancelled. He now has a front row seat to the most powerful sermon he could have ever imagined and my heart leaps with joy. I have read every entry of your blog and I can remember each detail in our own journey with him. He even had the same doctors as Clay, and as you have mentioned, they were wonderful. I pray all of the time for Clay. Pray for a miracle for your family. Your blog has helped me in ways you will never know. It has opened my eyes, my mind and even my heart in directions I had never thought of. I’ve read verses I never knew. Your faith has helped my faith grow. Thank you for sharing your story. Clay’s story. (I agree with possibly getting him a hospital bed. My mom and I wished we would have had one sooner. He would fall out the bed at night and it took everything we had to get him back up. The night before he passed away, my mom slept on the couch and I slept in the hospital bed right beside him. I will never forget that.) God Bless.

  18. Dee Austin says:

    Praying as well as hundreds are that Christs peace comfort and touch be upon Clay and for strength for you and kids. Please know how much we love you and family

  19. Laury Lorz says:

    Lord Jesus, we lift up these sweet people, your children. Wrap your loving arms around all of them and give them the sweet gift of peace. Lord, they need you to lift them up and help them navigate through the next days. Sweet Jesus, touch Clay and heal him Jesus.

  20. Michele says:

    Kristy you don’t know me but my name is Michele. We were at the camp meeting at abiding life. Your testimony encouraged me so much. It was and still is so powerful. I actually got to share it with some missionary friends of ours where the wife is the one dying from a brain tumer. Here’s the thing they put her on hospice probably almost a year ago so we know that God isn’t done with her yet. There is no telling what God has in store for you and your family. I wanted you to know that you have a whole family over here praying for you guys. And to share a song with you. It’s “why should I worry “by unspoken. You can you tube it. I have no doubt it will minister to you. Prayed for you guys today and will continue to pray.

  21. I just read your blog for today posted by Deborah Sartwell a member of my Bible Study Group. Your blog spoke about Clay’s journey with his illness. I am friends with Sue and Margie and lived next door to the Furlows when we were growing up. I have been praying for Clay every day in my prayer time with God usually around 3am each morning when I speak to Him about my four special friends suffering with cancer–Clay being one of the four. When Debbie posted your blog on Facebook today and it was about Clay, I messaged her and told her I have been and continue to pray for Clay Furlow every day and asked her what was the last name of the Clay she mentioned. She confirmed that he was one and the same. Thank you for sharing with all of us his story and know that I am asking the Holy Spirit to breathe the Fire of His Love within Clay and asking Mary through Jesus to God to Bless Clay and his family and wrap them in His Loving Arms today and always.

  22. Lisa says:

    I wonder if you have any access to medical marijuana? This remedy has helped even late stage cancer patients to recover. Eating sugary things like doughnuts feeds cancer and helps it grow faster. If Clay can go in a diet of mostly fresh, preferably organic, fruits and veggies, then his system will be more alkaline and cancer can not grow in that environment. See the website, The Sacred Plant and Cancercures.com for more info. My husband was cured of life threatening allergies by just changing his diet. Medicine did nothing to remedy the root cause. You tube and Netflix have many good of documentaries on the subject. The Gerson Method talks about juicing fruits and veggies, the drink of which helps your body heal and get rid of cancer. Seek wisdom and knowledge on the subject-so many people have been helped, even when doctors said there is no hope. Please don’t give up on him! I pray that God will help you to help Clay so he can receive healing from his cancer!

  23. Sheila Govan says:

    May the peace that passes understanding guard each of your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus. Praying for God’s mercy to flood down on all of you and for you to abundantly know the sufficiency of His Grace in weakness. You are all on our hearts and in our prayers.

  24. Gay Boeneke says:

    May God continue to hold you, Clay and your family close in His embrace…comforting you throughout this journey and beyond. I shall continue to pray for your enduring strength which enables you to weather this storm. Sending Hugs…