the heart behind
cloth & clay

Watch as Kristy explains the heart of Cloth & Clay Ministries, a ministry aimed at serving those who are experiencing loss, tragedy, and sorrow. Drawing from her experience with grief as her husband, Clay, went to be with the Lord in 2017, she desires to encourage faith in other believers. The goal of this ministry is to see believers walking in surrender, hope and joy!


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Loss of a spouse. Loss of a marriage. Loss of a child. Loss of a dream. Loss of a purpose. Loss of a friend. Loss of friendship. Grief touches us all! And there is no rule book, though, I certainly wish there was. Grief is a difficult thing to navigate and it looks different for each person who finds themselves in its grip. I regularly take comfort in the words of the Holy Spirit in 1 Thess, “that you may not grieve as others do who have no hope.” We don’t have to follow a formula through grief, like others do. We can follow Jesus through our grief, and He will lead us back to joy.


The word surrender sounds beautiful, especially as a song lyric. But, the reality of living in surrender is much harder than singing a song set to a lovely melody. Surrender is sacrifice. It is selfless. It is spiritual. Truly accepting God’s plan, when it doesn’t align to your dream, is one of the most supernatural things you will ever do. Be encouraged, friend. Surrender is possible, and rejoicing can follow!


God wants to heal you from your pain so you can walk with other believers in hope and joy. He needs the church, as a whole, to be glorious and powerful. Victorious and filled with purpose! The world is growing colder and colder. Our nation is changing. Our freedoms are being challenged. Life as we’ve known it may never look the same. We have to be strong. We have to be healed. We have to surrender to the plans of God so He can use us to demonstrate His power to the lost world around us in these last days. Millions of people are looking for hope. Let us allow God to draw the world to Himself through His church! Let us be healed, whole, strong, and joyful, so the world will crave what is in us.


Paul said, “I rejoice in my suffering…” I never understood this, until I walked through the valley of the shadow of death. Through tragedy, God revealed the depth of this truth to me and it has given me life. I have seen how my sorrow has brought life to many others around me, and God has given me the grace to surrender to that calling. There is an untold joy in knowing that another soul will make it to Heaven because of a work that the Holy Spirit did through your life. There is such excitement in seeing another believer gain endurance because of a lesson God has taught through you. It is so wonderful to see your life have purpose that is spiritual. The reward is in Heaven, and it will be so much more than we have ever dreamed. Praise God!