A Day In The Recliner!

August 26, 2017

After the seizure Wednesday morning, Clay hasn’t gotten out of the bed…..until this morning. All day Wednesday and all day Thursday, I honestly wasn’t sure if he ever would. Dr. Gummadi wasn’t sure, either. There are just so many unknowns right now. We were not sure if he was just sleeping deeply because of exhaustion and medication from the seizure, or because of disease progression.

So, you can imagine my excitement when we took this picture at around 11:00 am today.


My friend, Ashley Starnes stopped by for coffee. We sat out on my balcony and talked for a while. She brought me some wonderful lavender bath products, so I could relax for a while. It was wonderful, Ashley! Thank you so much.


Robin and Caleb arrived with latte!!! People who bring latte are some of my favorite people! My morning was almost made. Now, I was just hoping Clay would sit up and visit with us. Julie, our nurse, arrived, and helped me sit him up for medicine. Then, he decided he wanted to get up and brush his teeth. What? You want to get up?! And, he did.

He cleaned up and changed clothes. Then he decided just to sit in his recliner, instead of getting back in bed. I was so encouraged, y’all. It seems like a little thing, but I had really prayed that he would recover from the seizure so we could have more time with him. He did. Bobby and Cindy Holt came and visited for a minute. He drank a smoothie while they talked to him.


Then, James VanV arrived with his guitar. We had the sweetest time of worship and prayer. I love how music draws us close to God. He loves when we sing to Him and just thank Him from our hearts. That’s what we did. James sang some of Clay’s favorites. He laid in his chair the entire time, but he listened and worshipped. It was so good. Chenelle and Christy dropped by at the perfect time and got to enjoy the worship with us.



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I asked James to sing “I Am Redeemed” and he said that was much better with a piano. So, Caleb just went and got my electric piano and brought it upstairs! I want a baby grand so bad, but today was one time it was good that I don’t have one. That would have been a little more difficult to move! Caleb and Sam were able to bring it up and James played some more. Oh, it was so good to worship together in our room. The Lord was really here.

Clay and I napped a little when everyone left. I actually slept last night, so I wasn’t as tired as I’ve been, but it was good to lay in the quiet for a while.

We had several visitors tonight. Donuts were delivered by my childhood friend, Amanda Boulton, and her husband, Tom. Dinner was delivered by Jenna Wilcox and Diane Mohler. The Gummadi’s came to check on Clay and pray with us, Summer and Jimmy were here for a while. Pastor Lee and Carla came to see us after returning from a week away at a conference.


Yesterday, Clay had visits from his Aunt Sue and cousin, Joanna. They drove in from Nashville just to see him and talk to him. He had a hard time waking up and talking, but they just sat on the bed with him and enjoyed their company. He loves y’all so much!


Clay has been blessed with a life long best friend. Clay met John Green when they were around 10 years old. They’ve been close ever since. He constantly tells the kids stories about John and what a good friend he has always been. They have a unique friendship. Β When John walked in the room, it was the first time Clay had even tried to sit up in the bed for 2 days. I was so glad to see it.


Amanda and Jason brought us a gourmet dinner. Christy, Janell and Michelle cleaned my entire house, and my friend, Jodi, came for a quick visit and afternoon coffee. She really encouraged Sam. Man, I love you people!!!!


I’m tired. So, I’m not going to write much more, but I want to tell you how much I appreciate your prayers. God has heard us in the past few days. He always hears us, but I feel like He has really been near this week. My heart was so thankful when Clay wanted to get out of the bed today. His legs are still very weak and he is still tired, but I felt like God really heard us and granted us some more time with him.

We love you and appreciate your prayers so much. I’ll keep updating as often as I can. I’m going to bed with a joyful heart tonight. Love y’all.



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  1. Shannon LeCoq Guidry says:

    My tears flow every time I read your post. I want you to know without a shadow of doubt that God is moving in this girl right here. I knew Clay as a teenager through Paul & Melonie. I am going to meet you one day! I see so many friends of mine in your pictures. There is a hunger in my heart for a deeper walk, more surrender, …a heart right here craving the faith, & the love, & the joy that is so evident in your home & heart. The ministry God has entrusted you & clay with, is bringing & will bring so much glory to the kingdom of Christ.
    Just a little lump of Clay.
    a ministry that is ordained, anointed, & birthed through surrender, pain, & total submission to the will of God! Rest peacefully tonight Kristu & Clay , I am praying fervently for Clay. I was a hospice nurse also, so I am praying for specifics, although God knows every need, heavens gates are stormed for you all with prayers!
    Kristy I lost my Dad in October, and I know the joy with every moment you get…. How precious the time is. Every sweet moment. God is so wonderful .
    My Dad was 83 & Clay’s sweet spirit reminds me of my Daddy towards the end of his journey here. He loved his visitors. He was surrounded by his wife, daughters, son. sisters, Grandchildren, neighbors, friends, church family , neices , great neices, nephews, great nephews, even a great great granddaughter & great great grandson. Our poodles even stayed at the end of his bed. A family friend said DADDY was evangelizing during his last 5 months he was with hospice. Daddy left a legacy of love, loyalty, submission to Christ, & joy beyond understanding. Daddy was 83. Clay, about 1/2 his age…. Yet Still joy reigns.
    You & Clay are evangelizing! You are both Amazing. And so very loved.
    To God be the glory !

  2. Sandra M Green says:

    How uplifting to hear how your friends are standing by all of you, not just with visits and food, but with prayers and true worship! I especially love the the picture of Clay and John in that brotherly hug. Those 2 are examples of Christ’s love

  3. Susan Ragan says:

    Kristy and Clay, After reading this post tonight, I asked Jesus to be especially close to y’all and let you know what a difference your witness is making in the lives of others. As I travel this road behind Clay, I am so amazed and grateful that, as the challenges increase, y’all continue to think of others and minister to us by somehow finding time and energy to share your experiences and your faith so that His Name will be glorified! Thank you for the encouragement and inspiration you are to me; I’m sure many others feel the same way. And I hope you are already hearing His voice clearly calling you His good and faithful servants! May His loving presence, along with the gratitude and love of those you’re ministering to, continue to support you and encourage you both. I look forward eagerly to the day I can thank you personally as we rejoice together in His presence!

  4. Cindy Rome Estep says:

    I love you Kristy I know it’s hard but stay strong my friend and you must rest to my friend when you can. Our Lord Savior is present he has sent all those loving angels to be by your side … Thanks for updating us and sharing a little lump of Clay..
    Prayers and HugsπŸ’œπŸ™πŸ»πŸ’œπŸ™πŸ»πŸ’œπŸŒΉ

  5. Beth Doucet says:

    You al have great friends and a wonderful church family! Most of all a truly amazing and loving God!
    We don’t know each other, but I keep up,with your blog and what an inspiration it is. ” For such a time as this” your family has shown the Love of God to others in so many ways.
    I can see Clay still trying so hard to be strong for all of you and be the man he thinks he is still supposed to be even in this sickness. What a Blessing he is to so many people… God Bless you all!
    When you can’t see God’ Hand, follow His Heart!

  6. Dawnee Harp says:

    Beloved Furlow Family,

    You don’t know me but the past few mornings at 3am the Holy Spirit has prompted me to pray for you. It’s been such a sweet and sincere time of intercession. My heart tells me that you’re probably being prayed for by someone every minute of each day….. oh how great the love of our Father is for you.

    Oceans of love and tight hugs from Tampa, Florida.

  7. cbp7855 says:

    Dear Kristy and Clay,
    I felt God telling me to share, today. We don’t know each other, although I’m sure we have mutual friends.
    In the past six months, I’ve been on a Grace journey and learning so much about our Abba God and our Savior, Jesus Christ. This journey has led me to healing messages. I’ve always believed that God can heal and that the Name of Jesus is more powerful than any other.
    But, I never heard any teaching on the healing principles in Holy Communion. I’ve been blessed with teaching by Joseph Prince on the healing power of Holy Communion and the broken and bruised sacrifice that Jesus made with His body for our healing. What a price He paid.
    It’s so radical from the way I was raised, that I’ve been reading and listening for a long time without sharing it with my friends. But, God told me today to share with you.
    Here are the resources if you want to read and listen.

    #77 Discerning The Lord’s Body Makes A Difference To Your Health (CD Sermon) from JosephPrince.org

    This morning I watched this sermon, #77, Discerning the Lord’s Body and took notes. He preached from 1 Corinthians 11:29-30, Isaiah 53:4, Matthew 8:16-17 and John 6.

    If Clay were my husband, I would want to know these things from the Bible and the heart of God. Most of all, from the broken and sacrificed body of our Lord Jesus Christ.
    Love to you and prayers,
    Claudia Phillips

  8. Ashley Greer says:

    Every time I read your posts, I am reminded that through all struggles, there is also so much joy in the lives that we were given. My daily prayers go to Clay and your family. Amy Morris keeps me posted, but she is only still able to smile because of the joy that she reads in your posts. God Bless you and keep you all close. Thank you for a reminder of God’s true love and Grace.