Still in Surgery

May 13, 2016

The doctor just updated us that surgery is going well and Clays vitals are good. We don’t know how much longer it will be. The doctor told the nurse to ask how we are all doing out here in the waiting room. I thought that was sweet.

Thank you for praying. I’ll continue to update as we hear more information.

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  1. Kim Gayle says:

    Please know that the Gayle family is fervently praying for the Furlow family.

  2. Kathleen Robillard. says:

    Thanks for the update.

  3. Juliet says:

    We pray for Clay and your family.
    Ethan and his family

  4. Fran McVea says:

    Psalm 125:1 Those who trust in the Lord are like Mt. Zion
    which cannot be shaken but endures forever.
    2. as the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people
    both now and forevermore.
    His word is nourishment for our soul! Love and prayers Fran