Cloth & Clay

January 12, 2021

There are two foundational truths that God has molded into my soul through suffering.

First, our lives were created for the glory of God. I like to think about it like this….God is designing a beautiful tapestry from our lives. We are cloth in His hands. Right now, we only see threads and colors. We see the back of the tapestry and we can’t imagine what the Artist is creating on the other side. But, when we get to Heaven, we will see the finished work in all its beauty. In that moment, Jesus will reveal the beauty He was creating with our lives. Everything will make sense. We will see God’s plan in its fullness and have the answer to every “why?” What felt like painful stabs of the needle, and looked like a hodgepodge of colors, will suddenly be raised to reveal the work of eternity’s greatest Artisan.

Second, God uses our lives to bring healing to the watching world around us. In John chapter 9, Jesus gives sight to a blind man. Although He could have just performed His miracle with a single word, He didn’t. Instead, He scooped up some dirt, spit into that dirt and formed clay, which he spread over the blind man’s eyes and the man received his sight. You and I are like clay in Jesus’ hands. We start out as dirt, then Jesus adds His life to us, and invites us to become part of the miracle – the miracle of salvation and healing!

He doesn’t have to use us, but He does! Y’all, He loves us so much that He wants to make us part of His work in this world today. And, He wants to bring salvation to the blind men and women who will see our lives and recognize the miracle working power of this Jesus.

If we will just surrender to His will, we can be like cloth and clay in His hands.

Many of you have followed my story over the past several years and you have truly helped me survive some of my hardest moments. When my husband Clay was diagnosed with Glioblastoma in May of 2016, we were shocked. Our world came to a screeching halt when we received that very sudden diagnosis. Clay was given 3 months to live, but God intervened and gave us 16 wonderful months to enjoy the end of his life on this earth. 

I knew immediately that God was building a tapestry through my life. I knew that there was a purpose I couldn’t see. I believed with all my heart that something beautiful would result from all of the pain I was experiencing. And, Clay was the clay that was smeared on many blind eyes during the last 16 months of his life. He was always a great guy who people adored, but he became an Evangelist. A preacher. When he knew the end was near, he gave everything to Jesus and allowed Him to use his testimony as a powerful tool. Many were encouraged, saved, and strengthened because of Clay’s example.

As our story spread and so many of you followed along, I began blogging about the work God was doing in us, and it blossomed into a beautiful ministry. Thank you. Thank you for loving us and encouraging us through such a difficult time.

Now, God is giving this ministry a name and a clear purpose. He has given me a heart to minister to people in times of grief, suffering and devastation. The truth is, we all experience these things. Your grief might look a little different from my grief, but the pain is the same. The sorrow is the same. Devastation is no respecter of persons and suffering visits us all.

In the valley of the shadow, I experienced the comfort of the Holy Spirit. I have come to a more complete understanding of why God allows His people to suffer the pains of this life. Accepting this truth has literally changed my entire perspective on life, and that has enabled me to rejoice in my suffering. 

But, that’s not enough. I want to see YOU rejoice in your suffering too. 

I want to see the church, as a whole, healed from our pain so we can walk together in hope and joy. I want to see us victorious and filled with purpose. The world is growing colder and colder. Our nation is changing. Our freedoms are being challenged. Life as we’ve known it may never look the same. We have to be strong. We have to be healed. We have to surrender to the plans of God so He can use us to demonstrate His power to the lost world around us in these last days.

This is the heart behind Cloth & Clay Ministries. 

As we surrender to the plans of God, Jesus is able to weave the beautiful tapestry He knows we can become. When we are healed, we can become an instrument of healing to the broken.

And, for what? For us? No indeed! For Jesus! For His glory! And for the sake of the lost! So that blind men can receive sight.

So, what is next?

In the next few weeks, a new website will be released. My blog will relocate to the new site and I will be adding new content on a regular basis. My amazingly talented friend, Anna Abrahams at Visual Branding Group, has created the brand and the new website. She took a bunch of scrambled ideas that I barely got down on paper, and made the most beautiful logos and branding materials. I can’t wait for you to see her work when the website is released.

Look how giddy we are! Anna has worked so hard to develop this brand!

The website is also where you will be able to find out more about The Hill, the soon-to-open retreat center that God is creating! If you’ve been watching the progress of the renovation, you know that I’m getting close to completion. I anticipate offering 4 – 5 retreats during 2021, and I hope the first date will be in the Spring. I will be posting more information soon about my vision for the retreats and how you can reserve a space on our waiting list.

I’m also completing my book proposal to Proverbs 31 ministries this month. I hope you will join me in praying that God’s will can be done through this book idea. I have truly surrendered it all to the Lord and He has given me faith to trust Him no matter the outcome. The message is powerful and life-changing, and I trust God to get it through me to every person that He intends for it to reach.

This was taken during my last Zoom call with my group this week. Now, I will add the final touches and submit on January 25.

So, you can see… is a little busy! But, I’m happy to busy about the Lord’s work. I couldn’t be more thrilled about everything that is happening and how God is bringing to fruition the things He birthed in me years ago. He is amazing. I hope you can see that living in surrender to His plans is the very best place you will ever be. It’s not always the easiest, but it is the best!

Thank you for your continued love, support and prayer!

I’ll be in touch with you soon!

I can’t wait to tell you more!

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  1. psalm40blog says:

    I’m so excited, Kristy! And with your partnership with Anna, I’m sure the website will be amazing! Love the new name 🙂

  2. Cindy Estep says:

    Kristy when I saw the name you chose for your Ministry it brought me back to my First BE Weekend. We were given a jar of play dough and told to pick something to make that represents what we are feeling. I chose an elephant because after losing my Mother first, a month later my son and right before my weekend losing my husband the Love Of My Life.. Three of the hardest losses..
    I felt the weight of an Elephant I couldnt breathe at times and unlike when I lost my son I couldn’t cry at first for my husband I asked my counselor on the weekend why I knew I loved my husband .. After that weekend I became a Facilitator and helping those widows like me and even the ones that were getting a divorce cause after all that To is the death of a marriage it’s just your spouse is still alive.. Helped me to see that God was in control he was always in control.. Having lost my Child I helped those that had also lost a child too. And after that weekend I began to cry for my husband the pain is still there for all three of them I’ve since lost my father I can’t wait to make one of your retreats.. I still want to come see how much you have done to that Beautiful Place you have Named
    “THE HILL”. And now your Ministry has a beautiful name Also..

  3. Thank you, I needed this today ❤️

  4. mtngirl16 says:

    Ah Kristy, God is the Weaver, but you are the Needle that He is using to show others how to live their lives through the ups and downs by keeping their eyes focused on Jesus!

  5. Susan Longmire says:

    So proud of my baby girl who has grown into a woman of God. I love watching you soar.

  6. Pamela says:

    So beautiful, so excited what I see going on . God is so good . Thank you for sharing your journey and all Gods glory. Love, love!

  7. Phyllis Yarborough says:

    Beautiful. Cloth and Clay…such an appropriate choice and divinely appointed name!
    You and your family and friends have been such a blessing as we have seen the LORD’S workmanship in the pain, suffering, restoration of your mind, body, soul and spirit as HE continues what HE began in you and Clay when HE made you ONE. May your children keep and grow in love for JESUS and mature in THE WORD and their FAITH. May you be directed daily by THE HOLY SPIRIT to keep your eyes upon Jesus looking full into HIS GLORIOUS Face and may HIS Marvelous GRACE be efficient and sufficient to see CLOTH and CLAY a GLORY to GOD in directing others to the CROSS of CHRIST for regeneration, redemption, salvation, SANTIFICATION as we await our GLORIFICATION in our final Heavenly Home in Eternity with THE SOVEREIGN, TRIUNE GOD, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, ONE in Essence, Three in persons.

  8. Sandra Miller Green says:

    Praying God’s blessings, wisdom, peace, comfort, and your special ministry continue to grow to reach more and more souls for His kingdom; on earth and in heaven. You are truly loved by so many and by me!!!✝❤✝

  9. Lendie McAlister says:

    Hi there… I’ve been following your blog from the beginning and you inspired my love for Jesus to go deeper, our stories parallel as far as loss, and more that continues to happen, can we please talk over the phone or meet up one day to just sit and talk. I’d love to share. My cell is 225-305-9255.. my name is Lendie McAlister..also I noticed Clay is cousins with Jessica Janet, she is a friend of mine… I attend Bethany Church in south Baton Rouge.