We Prayed To The Lord…

September 11, 2017

Last night, all of our visitors left, and I was sitting by Clay’s bed watching him breath. Suddenly, I got scared. Fear came and settled on me. I was not sure he would make it through the night and my mind starting imagining the scenario. The kids were with me and they could see that I was upset. So, they came around Clay’s bed with me.

I called Dr. Gummadi and his words calmed me. When I hung up, Sam said, “Mom, I think we should just pray.” The five of us sat around Clay’s bed and prayed for about five minutes. Sam prayed the most beautiful prayer I’ve ever heard him pray. It was exactly what I needed in that moment. I felt the fear leave immediately when he began to pray. It reminded me of Psalm 34,

I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me.
He freed me from all my fears.
Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy;
no shadow of shame will darken their faces.
In my desperation I prayed, and the Lord listened;
he saved me from all my troubles.
For the angel of the Lord is a guard;
he surrounds and defends all who fear him.
Taste and see that the Lord is good.
Oh, the joys of those who take refuge in him!
Fear the Lord, you his godly people,
for those who fear him will have all they need.

We prayed to the Lord and He answered us. He calmed me completely and His peace  filled our room. We sat around Clay’s bed and talked about funny memories of him. He has been such a good dad, so the kids have plenty of stories to tell. We laughed and Clay tried so hard to say some words to us. I know he was listening to Sam’s prayer and that he knows the work God has done in our children through this time. What an honor for him to know that he leaves them with Jesus.


What began as a fearful moment, became really beautiful because the Lord heard our cry. If you ever take anything away from our blog, this is what I hope you really understand…..

God does not love me and my family any more than He loves you. Every single thing He does for us, He can do for you. He is no respecter of persons. He wants you to feel as loved as we feel. He desires to bless you just as He blesses us. He is near to you if you will draw near to Him.

As we walk through the valley of the shadow of death this week, I was reminded of a beautiful picture the Lord gave me several months ago. Clay and I traveled with Lee and Carla (our pastors) to a conference in Florida where we shared our testimony. The YouTube video is below.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ys85iLnTe9Q&w=560&h=315]

I hope you have time to listen because I don’t have time to write this really thoughtfully! (smile) And, the thought is so good. (P.S. The message the Curtis McGeehee preaches, after I share, is so beautiful. If you need encouragement today, listen to it.)

Last night, I could see this image of us so clearly. In the valley. The shadow falls all around us, but we can also see the light behind the shadow. The light is God. Jesus sits with us at our table in the valley and there is food, candles, our entire family, joy, laughter, peace. The best part is that our enemy stands there. When he thought he was dragging us into fear, death, darkness and loneliness, he is now forced to watch us eat our beautiful meal here at this table that Jesus prepared for us in the presence of our enemy.

When Sam prayed that prayer last night, and then we sat together to tell stories the remind us of God’s faithfulness, I felt like we were sitting right there at that table with Jesus. It was so real. God is so good.

So, then we slept. Good, too. Clay rested. I slept in the bed with him and all three kids stayed upstairs with me. And, for all of you who think I hate our dog…..Ellie slept up here, too! We left the worship music praying all night and God’s peace was here with us.

Here are a few shots of the past few days. We love you, all! Thank you for helping us and for praying.

I leave you with this beautiful picture. Clay is peaceful. All his words have been said. All his wishes fulfilled. His work on earth is complete and he is resting. He sleeps good and he is very calm. Today, I saw him raise his arms. When they settled back down, this is where his hands were. I whispered to him, “Are you praying?” I think he was…


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  1. Vikki Parker says:

    Your faithfulness and strength is beyond measure. What an inspiration you, Clay and your family are. May God bless your family and continue to give you all peace.

  2. Jim Burton says:

    Our love and prayers go out for all of you. God’s peace and blessing be on each of you.

  3. Nancy and Alan Blount says:

    As I have followed your blog over the past year, I am continually in AWE of you, Clay, and your children as you all walk this path that the Lord has you on. Each time I read an update that you have posted on this blog, I can FEEL the presence of the Lord! Thank you all for shining such an incredible light and witness for Jesus! We will continue praying for Clay, you and your family… Our hearts go out to you all, especially at this time. Keep drawing strength in the Lord from each other as you walk through this valley together not only as a mother and her precious children, but also as beloved brothers and sisters in Christ! God Bless! We love you all in the Lord!

  4. Cindy Rome Estep says:

    So glad he is resting and is peaceful… I told you you could fit in that hospital bed Kristy. And the kids can sleep in your and Clay’s bed. And whomever else who wants to sleep in your room. Our room was filled towards the end.. Some on blow-ups and some in sleeping bags.. we prayed before we slept each night… Hugs Kristy for you and the children and Clay’s parents… And thanks for that wonderful video and your touching blogs… My thoughts and prayers are with you my love…

  5. Sandra M Green says:

    Beautiful feelings put into words so that all of us could be blessed. Thank you, Kristy!!! Much love and many prayers.

  6. Christina says:

    This is so beautiful. I’m in tears and I don’t even know you. The Lord is surely with you all. May He continue to get glory. Thank you for sharing through this journey. People need to see what real faith is. I’m an oncology nurse and this really, really touches my heart. Thank you!

  7. Janet says:

    I hurt so bad for my little niece, great niece and great nephews. My heart aches for them. But, I find joy in knowing they are in the arms of Jesus. He has their hands, their hearts and their lives in his care. He will continue this walk with them.What do people do without Him? I can’t imagine. He will never leave us or forsake us. Thank you Jesus, we need you now.

  8. This song came to me as I read this tonight. So much peace and comfort is seen here, because of Who you serve. Love you all so much.

    Through His love the Lord provided,
    A place for us to rest
    A place to find the answers,
    In the hour of distress
    Now there’s never any reason,
    For you to give up in despair
    Just slip away and breathe His name,
    For He will surely meet you there

    In the presence of Jehovah,
    God Almighty, Prince of Peace
    Troubles vanish, hearts are mended,
    In the presence of The King

  9. Janice Broussard says:

    Our thoughts and prayers are with you all 🙏🙏🙏

  10. Rita says:

    You have an amazing family and group of friends. My husband was diagnosed in June with stage 4 glioblastoma and you have helped me and inspired me so much. Thank you for sharing your journey. God bless you and your family and most of all Clay.

  11. Debbie Smith says:

    Kristy, I have followed your and Clay’s journey through Kelli Forbes postings. As my heart breaks for you and the family, I can’t help but rejoice for Clay as he waits to enter heaven and see Jesus who has sustained him in this. He will soon be part of that great cloud of witnesses that cheer us on to finish our races. Just knowing that he will be healed doesn’t ease the loss you and your family will feel. My prayer for you all is that God will continue to pour out blessings, put His arms around you, and give you all that peace and comfort that surpasses understanding. You have been strong but don’t forget to cry. Your tears are precious to God. Just know that you and your family are in my prayers.