‘Tis So Sweet

July 18, 2017

I took this picture this Sunday at the end of our service. The altar had been filled with people praying and worshipping the Lord, and several had come to pray for him. But as others started to leave, Clay just sat there while Anna played. I think she was singing “‘Tis So Sweet To Trust In Jesus.” That is an anthem for him right now. 

Since his diagnosis, a little over 14 months ago, this is where he has been. In an altar before the Lord. Constantly laying down his will for whatever the Lord wants to do. Not begging and pleading for his life, but patiently telling the Lord how much he loves Him and how much he trusts Him. Just waiting on God to accomplish His will….not Clay’s will. God’s will. 

As many of you know, we spent the day at MDA. We received very difficult news. The tumor is growing, but rather than growing as a mass, it is in the spinal fluid. This means surgery will not be an option. It is no longer responding to the meds and it will become very aggressive now that it has learned how to grow again. It will spread quickly because it is in the fluid. 

I haven’t written in a long time, so some of you may not know, but he has had an increase in side effects over the past two months. His onset of symptoms have been consistent with tumor progression but the MRI had no reflected it….until today. The doctor warned us 8 weeks ago that MRI is not a perfect science. So, we knew it was possible that the tumor was growing. But, we thought another surgery would be possible. 

There is one more drug we can try but she said it would have strong side effects and add only a small amount of time. We took the information and will begin praying about taking it. Clay is very concerned about quality of life, so that will play a major role in our decision. 

We’ve always known this day would come, if God didn’t do a miracle by now, but I’ve learned you can never be prepared to hear this. We are trembling a little but God is faithful. We are in the car now, driving back to Baton Rouge. When we got in earlier, I turned on Pandora radio just to have some soft worship music playing. The first song that played was “Holy Spirit” by Kari Jobe. I love that song and it has ministered to me so many times. I thought to myself how sweet the Lord is to send me little reminders that He is with us. Then, it played again. That never happens! I know it was the Lord letting me know that He did that on purpose. 

That’s what we need. He is our living hope. We just need the Holy Spirit to come and He has. 

Clay is as solid as a rock. He never wavers. It is such a miracle to watch. I love him. What a blessing to go through this with a man of such faith. We still have a peace that passes understanding. The devil can’t take that. 

Please pray. Pray for wisdom for our next steps. Pray for our children. Pray for God to receive great glory. Pray for many more miracles to come. We love you. 
I will begin writing more often. (Many of you have asked me.) God had already been stirring me to do it and, now, I trust He will have a lot to say. Thank you so much for reading, for praying, for encouraging and serving us. Your love has meant so much to our entire family. 

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  1. DeLin Soileau says:

    Will keep praying ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿผ

  2. Wade Evans says:

    You and clay are such an inspiration of faith in the darkest of tunnels. I hate that your gifts had to be brought to light through these circumstances but please know that the example you two set has made others realize true love and God’s love. Thank you. Tell Clay hello from Wade Evans.

  3. Cindy Abbott says:

    I have never met you personally. I must tell you that your faith and trust in our Lord God helps to build the faith of every eye that reads your story or hears Clay’s name. Your entire family have been an inspiration. You are in my thoughts and prayers, where you will forever remain. I was once challenged with a serious health issue. I spent four years on the heart transplant list. God’s work through me was amazing during that time. Although I’ve never gotten well enough to return to work, . The good Lord left me hear for a purpose. Now I pray for Him to lead me to what it is He wants me to do. My “Job”. I know the most important thing is something you speak of with the type of every key … Keep your eye on the Sparrow, for I know HE watches over me .

  4. Kaye wallace says:

    Will continue to lift yall all up in prayers ! We know our God is an awesome God and he is a miracle God !

  5. Angie says:

    We’ve never met, but I’ve been following your blog since Nov when my sister was diagnosed with a brain tumor. The diagnosis progressed to that of a GBM in Jan. My prayers are with your family and it’s amazing to see the way God has strengthened and encouraged you.

  6. Janice Green says:

    Kristy & Clay, your experience has taught me how to grieve and rejoice at the same time. I love you all so much and I will be praying along with all the family of God who love you.

  7. Wanda Efferson says:

    Powerful testimony and always inspirational.
    I continue to pray for Clay and his family.
    God bless all of you. He is faithful.

  8. Annell Fowler says:


  9. Sandra M Green says:

    Oh, what a blessing your family is to ours. Every blog and every Facebook post that you send out gives us reason to praise our precious Jesus. You help us keep life in perspective. You live in faith and worship even though negative arrows pierce your lives. What a beautiful example that your family is to God’s true love. An amazing testimony for all of us!!!

  10. Sharon Browning says:

    Kristy, you must be some kind of gal! Just so you know, every word you have written and every tear you have shed, has touched my heart…..I wish I knew you through more than your writings, but I know Clay…. and if he chose you, you have got to be a wonderful person and mate! I keep thinking I’ll come find y’all’s home and knock on the door, come in, and get me a hug or two. So don’t be surprised if a silver haired ole lady shows up one day soon. And know that you and Clay and your beautiful children have been on my heart and in my prayers many, many days. I’ve witnessed many things in my life, but honestly……the testimony you and Clay and your children continue to share, can only come from God….and it has been such a blessing, even tho my heart breaks for all y’all are dealing with. Y’all and our God, are amazing!!! Love you much, Mrs. Sharon Browning

    • You knock on our door anytime you want! You are welcome to come by whenever you can. I would love to meet you and clay would be so glad to see you! Thank you for your encouragement. To God be ALL the glory. He is so good.

  11. Mandy says:

    What faith! I pray for Clay and many times I see the lord do miracles and give comfort in times of our rocky road we go down. Know matter what circumstances we see we know the Lord will be there for us. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™

  12. Lisa Oivanki says:

    So sorry to hear devastating news. I sensed it was coming. I will continue to pray as I have been doing. All of you have done some mighty work and have shared so many wonderful and also hard times together. And I will pray especially for Sam, Grace and Ben. Ben will be returning to school soon, so I know our faculty and staff will keep him close and support him as much as all of us can.

    I have always had the philosophy that I will do everything I think God is calling me to do in a situation and when I feel I have done all He would ask, then I can be at peace in it. You, Clay, your family and the doctors have done all you can. That’s as much as anyone can ask., Whatever your decision is, I know it will be the right one because it will be the one God is calling you to make and He will give you a peace about it.

    Keeping you close in prayer.

  13. Kristi Campbell says:

    I don’t know you personally but Lee and Stacy are dear friends of ours and I’ve been praying for Clay and your family since I learned of his diagnosis. We serve a mighty God who works in mysterious ways to receive glory and reach others through our infirmities and storms of life. Please know that I continue to pray for Clay, you and your children as you walk through these difficult days. God has a plan that we cannot see–all for His glory.

  14. Shannon Hopkins says:

    I don’t know you. I only know Kellie Forbes, but I have been rejoicing with your good days and broken hearted through your tough days. Your ability to convey the strength and faith and trust and faithfulness you both have is inspirational and awe inspiring. Thank you for sharing your journey. I pray for your whole family for miraculous healing, for peace and for continued faith. May God bless you all beyond measure

  15. Gail Sides says:

    Every entry you post is inspirational. I have read, re-read, meditated on, every one of them. Clay’s courage and faith are amazing, Your insight and depth of faith reach far beyond your years. My prayers are with you and your very special family. Thank you for sharing your heart. Gail Sides

  16. Lisa Guillory says:

    Continued prayers for a miracle for Clay. Even though I have not seen you in so many years , you both are still so close to my heart and such an inspiration and testament to Gods Love.
    I want to know Him as you do. Praying relentlessly for a Miracle for your precious family.

  17. Cindy Rome Estep says:

    Kristy yes please keep writing it not only helps you but others who have been where you are. God Bless You And Clay . Funny how God gives us little nudges and signs he is with us when we need him most… I know you don’t know me but your in laws
    and we share the same friends .
    Cindy Estep

  18. Mistie Babin says:

    Will keep praying for your sweet family.

  19. Ronnie Longmire says:

    Praying for all of you. Sorry to hear the news . I’m going to put him on the prayer chain at church.

  20. Janice Broussard says:

    I worked with Clay at Hancock Bank, & he was always such a wonderful person to talk to. There was just “something” (?) about him that made you feel warm when you were talking to him…Now I know what it was……his FAITH…. shines thru.
    God Bless you all. Your family is truly and inspiration for everyone.

    Praying for your family.
    Janice Broussard

  21. Marcelle Nipper says:

    Dear Kristy, Clay & Family,
    I haven’t replied until now, because I weep with you, suffer with you, hope with you, pray and believe with you. My heart aches for you…..BUT….I also remember who our God is. He is Mighty, Wonderful Counselor, Prince of Peace, Everlasting Father! He never leaves us or forsakes us. He is our Redeemer, Savior, Healer, Friend! He is everything! So, I praise Him with you and trust Him with you that His peace and perfect will is with you! In thanksgiving, I life Him up in praise, for how He has been with you through it all, and He will bring you through this storm as well. He has the final say for this life and in the next, for He has redeemed us by His blood, death and resurrection….and we believe in Him! Bill and I love you so much, and stand by your side in prayer, through it all. Hugs and kisses, Bill and Marcelle

  22. Kathleen Robillard says:

    My prayers and love are with Clay, and all of your family. I ask him to give YOU the strength you need. I ask for the correct decision to be made. I am so amazed at the strength he gives us at the perfect time. I lost my husband to cancer 7 years ago and after 49 years of a fantastic marriage, I could not have made it through it with out my lord. I send love, thoughts, and prayers. God bless all of you.

  23. cbp7855 says:

    This is how I’ve been praying for the past six months and I’ve seen God do miracles. Love and peace to your family in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord.



  24. Tracy Burnett says:

    Continued Prayers for you both and your family, what an inspiration!! I’m from Central and the house that y’all live in was our family home …built by my parents .So many memories were made in that home and from all of your pictures I can tell that has continued. Praying for peace, comfort and healing.

    • Tracy! I just love that you know who we are. I think of the fact that your mom and dad raised you in this house all those years and now we are enjoying it so much. It is a blessed home. We’ve made a lot of changes, including enclosing the carport for a game room, adding a garage and building a second story Master bedroom. But, the heart of the house is the same. I know your parents loved the Lord and I just love the thought that we are carrying on that tradition. We have Bible studies, worship services, and prayer in this house often. We love it. It’s part of us. I can’t imagine not living here. When people ask me questions about the work we’ve done to it, I always say that the “guts” of this house are so good. Your dad did a beautiful job. Thank you for writing me so I would know that you know that this house is still a beautiful place.

  25. Myrlene Axtell says:

    What an inspiration you have been, and continue to be to so many. Words cannot express how much your posts have touched my heart and helped me grow in my walk with the Lord. Praying for Clay and the entire family daily that God’s love, mercy, and grace continue with you in the days to come.

  26. Joyce Christian Mohr says:

    My prayers are with you and your family and God’s love is over you.