The Secret I’ve Learned

January 2, 2021

You. Have. Cancer.

Three words no one ever wants to hear. Unfortunately, our family has been faced with this diagnosis several times and now we find ourselves right back in the doctor’s office chair waiting for the Oncologist to arrive.

Clay’s dad, Mr. Jim, has lived well with prostate cancer for 20 years. But we found out recently that it has begun to grow in his spine. Y’all, cancer is literally like a demon. It is intelligent and cunning. It learns how to grow, even after doctors have taken away its normal food source. It adjusts as medications are introduced and it adapts to new environments. It truly is a robber of life.

Look at Ellie photobombing!

His Oncologist is in the same group as Clay’s Oncologist. So, you can imagine that many difficult emotions were unearthed in me as I exited the highway at Bluebonnet and entered the Baton Rouge General parking lot. And, the timing feels unfortunate because God is doing so many good things in my life and this felt a little like the proverbial brick wall that I’ve crashed into before.

I sat beside my mother-in-law as she filled out the paperwork, and I had to take a deep breath. But, these words came to my mind….

“…for I have learned in whatever situation I am in to be content…I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Now, I realize Paul is talking about financial provisions in this passage of a scripture, but the principal applies to our emotional provision as well. Regardless of my circumstance, I have learned a SECRET. I love that word here because it actually is like a secret. You have to seek to understand it. You have to be really close to God to learn it. Whether I’m at The Hill enjoying the new life and excitement of what God is doing, or if I’m the Oncology office waiting to hear a diagnosis, I am content.

I am content knowing that God is fully in control. He is the giver of gifts and the giver of life. He is ordering our steps. He is love. He is gracious. He is kind. And, He never leaves. He never forgets. He never overlooks. He’s never surprised. I am content knowing my life is in His hands. I am content and I can do all things.

I’m praying for you this morning. Praying that wherever you find yourself today – in joy or in pain – that you are content in knowing that God is good. He loves you and promises to work all things together for your good. Praise Him for that thought today. Even if you only have the strength to softly whisper the words “Thank you.” That’s enough. But, let your heart acknowledge Christ, and you just may find the strength you need to praise Him a little louder and then a little louder.

Please pray for my in-laws today – Jim and Flo Furlow. The prognosis is good, but they need that strength that only Jesus can give.

I also want to share some very good news with you.

Last night was the christening of The Hill. It was a beautiful celebration with many people who I love dearly – my church.

We ended 2020 and began a new year together with a beautiful evening and an amazing fireworks display! We worshipped Jesus, enjoyed one another, rejoiced in all that He has done this year and celebrated His glory in the midst of such uncertainty. It was such an honor to host and allow people to see what God is doing here.

The view from the roof

I still have a lot of work to do here and many decisions to make about how this house will be used, but God has gone before me and He is lighting my path as I take steps of faith. Thank you for praying for me and for your sweet encouragement. I am so grateful that many of you have expressed your excitement for this dream. You encourage me so much! I’m planning to have a big Open House as soon as I finish a few more projects. I want to invite you to come and pray with me for God’s vision to be fulfilled here.

Thank you for your love! Happy New Year!



I’m gonna rest a little while, now!

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  1. psalm40blog says:

    So beautiful! I’m excited for your future in Christ and to see things unfold. This house has such a warm, inviting feel to it and I know whoever uses it will feel the same. Happy New Year, Kristy! ❤️

  2. fowler41 says:

    How AWESOME. Kaye, thanks so much for sharing Christy’s glorious, amazing story.  I have a question…you knew her even before Clay came into her life….was she always so passionate about her relationship with God? I’m certain it’s grown but wondered how much impact of Clay’s sickness and death has affected her spirituality. Sent via the Samsung Galaxy S9, an AT&T 5G Evolution capable smartphone

  3. Susan Espey says:

    Prayers for Uncle Jim and Aunt Flo as they go thru this journey again. Love to all

  4. Elizabeth Doucet says:

    Gosh girl, I don’t even know you except thru God, but the tears are just falling all over this iPad! For you and your great joy, for your in laws and what they have to go thru and those beautiful children of yours that look so much like their precious father every time I see them together, I see him! Just look what God had to bring you through to get you to where you are now! But boy! Oh boy! Just look where God has you now! Thank you for continuing to write which I hope helps you as much as it helps the rest of us!

    In Him who Matters the Most! Beth Doucet

    Sent from my iPad


  5. Cindy Estep says:

    Everything is Beautiful Kristy I can’t wait for The Open House I’m looking forward to visiting and being closer to God There. The Pictures Show a very peaceful place to meditate and talk with God.
    And maybe do a little fishing while talking to him.
    Thank You for always sharing your feelings and thoughts they mean so much to me. Happy 2021 to you and your lovely family. And my prayers will include Jim and Flo for sure. Love You My Friend 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻💜

  6. Marty Bryant says:

    Beautifully written of Paul’s message. Blessings to you Kristy. I love how to talked about contentment and it resonates with me in my spiritual walk. Thank you for allowing me to be part of your journey and watching God create a beautiful message at The Hill. Praying for you. Praying for Mr. Jim and Mrs. Flo.

  7. jbholtr2220 says:

    Oh, Kristy, Thank you for the reality of the mix of sorrows and joys. I love that you, like David in the Psalms, ended with the joy. He lamented first, then celebrated the wonder of God. All I can say as I see those photos of the Hill – He is GLORIOUS!

    I will, and always do, pray for the entirety of your family. You are loved. Those are some beautiful feel resting on that spot in front of the fireplace! (Isaiah 52:7)

    Love, Julie Holt


  8. kelliem1221yahoocom says:

    Sending blessings, love and courage to you today and every day!!! We serve a Big God!! He knows every cell in our bodies and he also knows exactly how many hairs we have on our heads! He knows and loves our hearts from the inside to the outside! I consider this a wonderful blessing to know and love you! Even though I’m outside looking in, I know without a doubt, that he is our loving, caring Father! He is never going to leave or forsake us! God bless you, today and everyday🙏🏻♥️🙌🏻